Quantum Information Theory
Lecturer: José Polo-Gómez
Lecture Notes
Guest Talk
Robert Myers [Quantum complexity and Holography] [Slides]
Eduardo Martin-Martinez [Quantum Energy Teleportation]
Veronika Hubeny [Recent Developments on Holographic Entanglement Entropy][Slides]
Norbert Lütkenhaus [QKD Principles][Slides]
Elias Okon [Current Status of the Measurement Problem][Slides]
Exercise sheets
Michael A. Nielsen and Isaac L. Chuang. Quantum Computation and Quantum Information.
John Watrous. The Theory of Quantum Information.
Mark M. Wilde. Quantum Information Theory.
Ronald de Wolf. Quantum Computing: Lecture Notes.
N. D. Birrell and P. C. W. Davies. Quantum Fields in Curved Space.
40 Students were accepted
We will publish the list of students who have successfully approved the course.
40 Students were accepted
We will publish the list of students who have successfully approved the course.
Guest Speakers
Veronika Hubeny
(UC Davis)
Norbert Lütkenhaus
(Director IQC & U. Waterloo)
Eduardo Martin-Martinez
(IQC & Perimeter)
Robert Myers
(Director Perimeter Institute)
Elias Okon
Mark M. Wilde
(Cornell University)
Teaching assistanTS
Ruben Campos Delgado
(ITP-Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany)
Fabiola Cañete Leyva
(Stony Brook University, USA)